
We motivate our token holders to take part in a charity campaigns. KIATOKEN wants to encourage and inspire humanity and support charity organizations. We expect to help our impoverished community members worldwide. Our vision is to create a world in which every time you give money to charity and good causes you can have total trust that your funds are going exactly where you want them to. KIATOKEN is a ground breaking new system designed to revolutionize charitable giving. With confidence in the charitable sector being seriously compromised, never has cultivating trust with donors been more important. We give them absolute confidence that their funds are being used for the purpose they donated. The KIATOKEN is meant to assist hospitalized people by helping those associations. We urge our holders to give to our charity wallet in order to help us continue our objective of assisting humanitarian initiatives and organizations, as well as affiliated charities. We’re also working with your votes to choose which new organizations in need to support since we want our donations to reflect what’s essential to you, our community. Our method gives total transparency toward charity donations and represents our community voices by leveraging blockchain technology to donate to organizations. The owner and team of the KIATOKEN to Charity Wallet and people can also send tokens in their wallets to help people suffering from the harmful disease. KIATOKEN Charity is the first sustainable charity. Members can donate to Charity to help humanity. KIATOKEN community funding to run Campaigns which can be anything like disasters, special patients with special diseases, to fight against the hunger, fund raising events and donation for animals to be sheltered and so on. People with no obstacles can participate in with our token. Members can vote to decide on the charity organization for donation. Organizations can manage the solutions to the problems of the increase in the amount of patients in hospitals. This KIATOKEN can be sent to a charity as a donation. These Tokens are used to support these foundations. All Transactions are back to charity are fully auditable.

Members donate charity tokens, and these tokens are directly transferred to wallets created and exclusively controlled by the respective charity organizations. The transaction records, including the amount donated, are securely stored on the Polygon blockchain. Token holders can verify these details, ensuring transparency in the distribution of funds. It is emphasized that the wallets are created solely by the organizations, and they maintain exclusive access and control over them.